7:28 pm 7:28 pm

Benefits Of Chin Augmentation


Chin augmentation is one of the lesser known types of plastic surgery. Most people focus on changing their lips, noses, cheekbones and brow area. The reasons to consider changing your chin may surprise you. Look Better from Every Angle [...]

Benefits Of Chin Augmentation2024-09-19T15:24:59-07:00
3:55 pm 3:55 pm

Chinplants – Is Chin Augmentation the New Cosmetic Procedure of Choice?


MSNBC news recently reported on the rapidly rising number of people seeking enhance the shape and appearance of their chins. They reported that chin augmentation increased 71 percent between 2010 and 2011, outdoing breast augmentation, liposuction and even Botox, [...]

Chinplants – Is Chin Augmentation the New Cosmetic Procedure of Choice?2024-09-04T12:18:41-07:00
4:52 pm 4:52 pm

How Can I Improve the Appearance of my Chin?


A recessed (weak) chin is analyzed in three dimensions. From AP (front) view, the chin is evaluated for horizontal width and vertical length. A chin deficient in these two dimensions will appear like a small ball without much distance [...]

How Can I Improve the Appearance of my Chin?2024-09-19T14:26:17-07:00
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