*Individual Results May Vary.

A small 3 centimeter incision is made in one of the natural creases under your chin. Using a preexisting crease minimizes scarring or visualization of the incision. The implant is measured and placed underneath the skin and secured with several sutures. The procedure can be performed in the office under certain circumstances or in a surgery setting under anesthesia.

Dr. Kolstad’s analytic approach distinguishes him from his colleagues. He believes in a customized approach that is specific to your facial features and your goals. Dr. Kolstad understands that there is as much artistry as science in facial rejuvenation. He has spent years dedicating his career to rejuvenation of the face and neck. Rather than performing facial, breast and body procedures, Dr. Kolstad’s practice is fully dedicated to facial plastic surgery.

Dr. Kolstad learned his technique from one of the best Facial Plastic Surgeons in the world. He spent an entire year in New York working exclusively with one of the world’s premier Facial Plastic Surgeons.

Dr Kolstad has extensive experience in a variety of techniques and will tailor your surgery to meet your specific goals. You will have the final say in determining if this is the right procedure for you.


*Individual Results May Vary.


A weak chin is most commonly evaluated on profile view. Surgeons use a variety of methods to determine the ideal chin projection, correlating it to the forehead, nose, cheeks and neck. The easiest way is to drop a line from the lower lip, where the red lip meets the skin. For women, the chin should reach this line or be slightly behind it. A male chin should extend beyond this line.

What Are The Different Types Of Chin Implants?

Chin implants come in many shapes and sizes. The implants are typically made of a soft silicone that is clear in color. The sizers shown in the images are made of the same material but are blue. During a consultation you will have the opportunity to select the implant that best meets your goals. The sizers are available to feel and will give you much more information then simply looking at an image.

This implant is designed to add projection on the profile view (A) as well as width on the front view (B).

The 4 sizes allow for greater customization. The sizers are colored blue, the actual implant is clear silicone.

This implant is designed to add projection on the profile view without significant width on the front view. There are only two sizes which limits the amount of customization.

Proving that there is an implant for everyone, the cleft chin adds a strong, masculine contour seen on front view.

The Wafer chin implant was once the standard for chin augmentation. This implant is less frequently used because it’s small size make it less natural in appearance and increases the risk for post placement mobility.

The prejowl chin implant is flat over the chin and does not add projection on the profile view. It’s projection is located on the sides which positions underneath the jowls. Someone experiencing early jowl descent would benefit from this type of implant.

San Diego Chin Implant Frequently Asked Questions

Chin augmentation is most commonly performed in a surgical setting using sedation. Chin implant surgery is typically performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a rhinoplasty or a facelift.
You will have a soft dressing covering your chin. You may go home after surgery as long as you have someone to observe you for a 24 hour period. All patients are required to stay in the La Jolla (San Diego) area for at least one day after surgery.

A frequent concern of our patients is looking plastic after surgery. There are limitless examples of unnatural, operated results. It is very important to choose a plastic surgeon in San Diego that specializes in operating on the face and is comfortable with the challenging anatomy and procedures.

Most people take about 5 days off of work to recover. By the fifth day the majority of the swelling has resolved and any residual bruising can be camouflaged with make-up.
Many of our patients do not complain of significant discomfort, with the majority using only Tylenol as needed. Prescription pain medicine is made available to you and we recommend that you have it available in case it is needed.

Additional La Jolla Chin Augmentation Information

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To schedule an appointment call us at (858) 859-2563 or get in touch with the form below.

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