Resurfacing procedures can be safely performed around the eyes to soften the “crows feet”. Fine wrinkles around the mouth “smokers lines” can be dramatically improved after skin resurfacing. Dyschromias “age spots” can be lightened and the texture of skin throughout the face and neck can all be improved with the right resurfacing technique.

Ways of improving the quality and texture of skin are too many to count. A good plastic surgeon will be able to describe the different techniques available to you, and recommend which will work best for your skin. More importantly, a good plastic surgeon will also tell you when your concerns are best treated with a procedure instead of promising the same results can be achieved with a laser.

Dr. Kolstad is proficient with using chemical peels, CO2 lasers, fractionated lasers, and dermabrasion procedures. His expertise in multiple techniques allows him to recognize which is the best for your skin.

Many of our patients come in requesting a laser treatment to rejuvenate their faces. Sometimes it is not a laser, but Botox or injectable fillers that would be best address their concerns. Sometimes a surgical procedure is the only option to achieve their goals.

There is no “one laser fits all” philosophy here. Dr. Kolstad will work with you to help determine what is the best option to meet your expectations.

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Additional La Jolla Skin Resurfacing Information

PDFSkin Resurfacing Procedure Before & After Instructions

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To schedule an appointment call us at (858) 859-2563 or get in touch with the form below.

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