Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift for Men in La Jolla
Case #10.
This male patient wanted to see a facial plastic surgery specialist in La Jolla because he felt that the fat bags and dark shadows under his eyes made him appear tired and prematurely aged. He wanted to see if he was a candidate for a non-surgical eye lift for men using under eye filler. It was important to him that the results made his eyes appear refreshed without looking overdone.
For this patient, Dr. Kolstad used a microcannula technique to add Juvederm Vollure to his lower orbital area to blend his fat bags and reduce his dark circles. After his treatment, the patient looks much younger and well-rested.
If you are interested in non-surgical eye lift for men, please contact our office to set up a complimentary consultation with Dr. Kolstad.
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Image Captions:
1) Male Tear Trough Filler San Diego La Jolla Del Mar Best Injector Under Eye Rejuvenation Cosmetic: Filler added to the lower orbital area to soften fat bags and shadowing around the eyes.
2) Male Under Eye Filler La Jolla Solana Beach Del Mar Tear Trough Aesthetic Best Facial Plastic Surgeon: Nonsurgical eyelid lift using Vollure. The dark shadows in the tear troughs are improved and the face looks much more rested.